
Green Bay West Rotary Foundation Helps Local Causes

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Twice a year, the Green Bay West Rotary Club Foundation awards grants to local non-profits to assist them in fulfilling their missions of service to our community. Grants range from $250 to $1000 and priority is given to smaller non-profits and specific projects as opposed to general funding requests.

Grants are awarded twice a year, in September and March.

Our September recipients are: -The Salvation Army for funding to support volunteer meals and snacks during their Coats For Kids and Toys For Tots programs; -The Brain Center for the purchase of technology which will support its Coaching Program; -Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Green Bay to support a new small group mentoring initiative.

Recent past recipients include the East High School Food Pantry, Bay Lakes Council Boy Scouts of America, etc. etc.

Non-profit organizations interested in applying for funding should contact Foundation Committee Chair Bruce Deadman at